Pink world? What can’t be better? A small home office design based on one desk, one regular chair, one table and a few shelves. Oh! Don’t forget the Calendar and the trash! (very usefull things in any office).
This kitchin chair will not be the most comfortable thing but it will work good if you use the office for short periods of time. Looking at the setup I think that’s exactly what this home office is for(it has a small lamp, not much paperwork and a notebook instead of a desktop computer). The owner needs mobility and he’s not at the office all-day.
Pink, White, Green and Blue works greate together. Remember to not make your walls too pink, use a light-pink or else the color will be very vivid and that’s disturbing for an office environment.
Do yourself a favor and have your stuff organized in folders or boxes and have a calendar on the wall where you can write important things(we all forget something).
This blog was set up after two years of research in the field of home office, interior and product design as well as office productivity. It is based on real experience and professional advice.
The little pink home office
This kitchin chair will not be the most comfortable thing but it will work good if you use the office for short periods of time. Looking at the setup I think that’s exactly what this home office is for(it has a small lamp, not much paperwork and a notebook instead of a desktop computer). The owner needs mobility and he’s not at the office all-day.
Pink, White, Green and Blue works greate together. Remember to not make your walls too pink, use a light-pink or else the color will be very vivid and that’s disturbing for an office environment.
Do yourself a favor and have your stuff organized in folders or boxes and have a calendar on the wall where you can write important things(we all forget something).