If you have a very very very small office don’t panic! There are ways to change this without buying or renting more space! We will show you a list of small tricks for making your space look bigger!
1. Basic rule: Use mirrors! Mirrors give you the illusion of more space.
2. Colors are very important! Use pale, soft and cool colours (like off whites, cream, beige, blue or green). Stay away from warm colors like red or yellow wich give an impression of a smaller place.
3. Make your ceilling seem higher by installing your picture frames on eye level.
4. Use your closet as the office table so no extra furniture needs to be added.
5. Organise. Do you really need all those things?
5 Tips on making the home office space look bigger!
If you have a very very very small office don’t panic! There are ways to change this without buying or renting more space! We will show you a list of small tricks for making your space look bigger!
1. Basic rule: Use mirrors! Mirrors give you the illusion of more space.
2. Colors are very important! Use pale, soft and cool colours (like off whites, cream, beige, blue or green). Stay away from warm colors like red or yellow wich give an impression of a smaller place.
3. Make your ceilling seem higher by installing your picture frames on eye level.
4. Use your closet as the office table so no extra furniture needs to be added.
5. Organise. Do you really need all those things?