Five functional questions to ask yourself before you start designing your home office

5before 300x206 Five functional questions to ask yourself before you start designing your home officeLet’s say you just started freelancing, you are a work-a-hollic who needs a home office, a business owner that needs to be in contact with what happens at the office, or person who can’t go long distances to his employeer office and you want to start designing your office.

Everyone of this cases has it’s own particularities but some of the things you need are the same. Remember to consult an adviser or a doctor to suggest you special furniture if you suffer from some sort of phisical handicaps. In our days there are plenty of choices even in this situations.

What questions you need to ask yourself before you start designing it?

  1. Where will the office space be? (What particularities will it have? How large will it be?)
  2. Where is the light coming from? (How much light do I need? Do I have natural light? How will this affect me on sunny days? Do I have other artificial light sources? Do I have sufficient light?)
  3. What will I use my office for? (Now, but how about in a few years?)
  4. What do I need to have in the home office? (Do I need a computer?, TV?, Printer?, Big space for writing? Chairs for the customers? Whiteboard?, etc.)
  5. How much money do I have and want to invest?

Now, remember that these were all functional questions and every office design needs to answer them firstly. After we decided what our office will need we will try to solve the design problem. is a good source to start looking at design solutions that other people had for your similar problem but the Internet is full of good examples and most importantly furniture shops where you can see what you afford.

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